By Jonathan Norton
Directed by Nikki Mirza
A New Play for Young Audiences
Touring schools in March and April 2024
Public performances at La Jolla Playhouse’s WOW FESTIVAL at UCSD on April 6 and 7, 2024
The San Diego region has many farms and community garden resources to share with their communities! Check out this list of local places to visit, find fresh produce, and learn about how to be a friend to the environment!
Coastal Roots Farms
441 Saxony Rd, Encinitas, CA 92024, https://coastalrootsfarm.org/
Coastal Roots Farm is a nonprofit Jewish community farm and education center that focuses on providing an inclusive space where people can learn about organic farming. Coastal Roots offers a variety of programs for people of all ages, including field trips, volunteering and internship opportunities, lesson plans, an afterschool farm program, and an annual Food Forest Festival. Community members can also enjoy a pay-what-you-can farm stand, where you get low-cost to FREE fresh fruits, veggies, eggs, etc!
City Farmers Nursery
3110 Euclid Ave, San Diego, CA 92105, https://www.cityfarmersnursery.com/
City Farmers Nursery is a family owned nursery dedicated to providing accessible farming education and produce. It’s the perfect day trip destination for San Diegans, where they can get free farming and gardening advice, meet farm animals, and get supplies for farming projects. City Farmer also offers the Sunshine Club, a no-cost, no-sign-up needed quarterly program where community members can receive FREE flower seed packets.
Sage Garden Project
270-F N. El Camino Real #313, Encinitas, CA 92024, https://sagegardenproject.org/program/
The Sage Garden Project brings California schools the opportunity to learn hands-on gardening skills. With the help of a dedicated instructor, students are able to create and maintain their own school garden, learn how to compost, and cook meals with the food they grow! This year-long program provides lesson plans and emphasizes building lifelong healthy habits.
Roger’s Community Garden
1000 Scholars Drive South, La Jolla, CA 92093, https://www.rcgucsd.com/
Roger’s Community Garden (RCG) is a place for UCSD students, staff, and community members to come together and grow fresh, organic food. RCG provides education about invasive species, has a 24/7 compost drop-off bin, and offers internships and volunteering opportunities. In addition, RCG donates all extra produce and develops sustainability projects to combat food insecurity. Make sure to stop by RCG, located on UCSD campus right behind the Che Cafe!
Master Gardener Association of San Diego County
9335 Hazard Way, Suite #201, San Diego, CA 92123, https://www.mastergardenersd.org/
Master Gardeners (MGS) are a San Diego County based organization that provides FREE home gardening and pest control information to the public. MGS offers free growing and planting guides, newsletters, lesson plans, video presentations, and school garden resources found on their website. MGS also helps San Diego schools in creating and maintaining gardens!
Tree San Diego
PO BOX 6324 San Diego, CA 92166, https://www.treesandiego.org/
Tree San Diego is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving San Diego’s urban forests. Urban forests are the trees in parks, nature preserves, open spaces, etc and are measured in canopies. Currently, San Diego has a lower canopy rate than that is healthy for the community, which Tree San Diego seeks to change. Through planting trees, increasing tree care, educational presentations for K-6 students, website resources, and volunteer work, Tree San Diego is improving the quality, density, and sustainability of San Diego’s urban forests.